1. The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!

He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!

  1. The Lord is great in Zion;

He is exalted over all the peoples.

  1. Let them praise your great and awesome name!

Holy is he!

  1. The King in his might loves justice.

You have established equity;

you have executed justice

and righteousness in Jacob.

  1. Exalt the Lord our God;

worship at his footstool!

Holy is he!

  1. Moses and Aaron were among his priests,

Samuel also was among those who called upon his name.

They called to the Lord, and he answered them.

  1. In the pillar of the cloud he spoke to them;

they kept his testimonies

and the statute that he gave them.

  1. O Lord our God, you answered them;

you were a forgiving God to them,

but an avenger of their wrongdoings.

  1. Exalt the Lord our God,

and worship at his holy mountain;

for the Lord our God is holy!

What is the Meaning of Psalm

Exploring the Meaning of Psalm 23

Psalm 23 holds deep meaning as it reflects on the shepherd metaphor, symbolizing God's care and provision for His people. The imagery of green pastures and still waters conveys a sense of peace and restoration, assuring us of God's guidance and protection in our lives. This psalm reminds us to trust in God's goodness and faithfulness, even in the midst of life's challenges.

What is the Message of Psalm

The Message of Psalm 99: Honoring God's Majesty and Holiness

Psalm 99 reminds us of the awe-inspiring majesty and holiness of God, calling us to approach Him with reverence and respect. It emphasizes the righteousness and justice of God, revealing His unwavering commitment to what is right and fair in all things.

This psalm also encourages us to praise and worship God wholeheartedly, exalting Him for His greatness and supremacy over all creation. It serves as a reminder to humble ourselves before the Lord and offer Him the honor and adoration He deserves, as the ultimate source of glory and power.

How to Pray Psalm

A Prayer for Engaging with Psalm 99: Reflecting on God's Majesty and Holiness

Heavenly Father, as we come before Your throne today, we are in awe of Your majesty and holiness. You reign with supreme power and authority, and we humbly acknowledge Your sovereignty over all creation. Your holiness shines brightly, and we are grateful for Your purity and sacredness.

Lord, help us approach You with deep reverence and awe, recognizing Your righteous judgments and the honor You deserve. May our hearts be filled with praise, exaltation, and worship as we lift our voices to glorify Your name. Guide us as we pray through Psalm 99, allowing its themes to inspire our praises and petitions.

In this sacred moment of prayer, may we draw closer to You, O Almighty God, and may our words be a sweet offering of gratitude and adoration. Amen.


As you meditate on Psalm 99 in the King James Version, remember its powerful message of praising the Lord with reverence and awe. This psalm consists of 9 verses that remind us of God's holiness and righteousness. Allow the words of Psalm 99 to guide you in seeking divine guidance and finding strength in connecting with the Almighty.

In times of uncertainty or when seeking comfort, let the wisdom of Psalm 99 resonate in your heart and spirit. It serves as a reminder of God's unwavering power and presence in our lives. Embrace the opportunity to pray and praise with sincerity, knowing that the Lord is always ready to listen and guide you.

May the profound truths within Psalm 99 inspire you to deepen your faith and trust in God's plan for you. Let this sacred scripture be a source of encouragement and hope as you navigate life's challenges. Embrace the holiness and righteousness of the Lord, and may you find peace in His divine presence. Amen.




I am Jen Stewart and my wish is to give you the best experience about the biblical psalms.

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