Biblical psalms is a place where you will learn all about psalms in the Bible. That means you will learn how many psalms is there and what each psalms talks about.

In our everyday life we encounter life situation which were already described in the Bible. And from psalms we can learn from the history how to get over those situations or even to learn from the history and become better.

🎶 Featured Psalm:

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” — Psalm 23:1

Experience the poetry and spirituality found in the Psalms.

Come and see how psalms talks to you to be a guide to live your life better and fulfilled.

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Psalms Chapter/Verse Range Calculator

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Latest Psalms in Life

Psalms About Water

Psalms About Water

Kaleidoscope of divine imagery, Psalms about water immerse readers in spiritual depths, inviting contemplation and revelation.

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Psalms in New Internation Version

There are 150 Psalms, and they cover a wide range of emotions and experiences.

The Psalms were written by different people over many centuries, including King David. So, it’s like a mixtape of ancient Hebrew poetry. These writings express everything from joy and gratitude to pain and sorrow.

Some Psalms are praises and celebrations, while others are deep, introspective cries for help.

They touch on themes like:

  • God’s greatness
  • the struggles of life, and
  • the hope for salvation

It’s like getting a sneak peek into the spiritual and emotional lives of the people who lived back then.

People often turn to the Psalms for comfort, inspiration, and guidance in their own journeys. They’re kind of like timeless pieces of wisdom that resonate with the human experience.

Whether you’re feeling on top of the world or going through a rough patch, there’s likely a Psalm that captures what you’re feeling.

Book of psalms

Psalm 25

Navigate the path of trust and guidance in Psalm 25 for profound wisdom and strength in uncertain times – but there's much more to uncover.

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Psalm 21

Lose yourself in the enigmatic depths of Psalm 21, where profound wisdom awaits to be unraveled.

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Psalm 40

Lift yourself out of the pit with the timeless wisdom of Psalm 40, where solace meets profound guidance…

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King James Version Psalms

The Book of Psalms, made up of 150 poems, is like a treasure chest of feelings and experiences in the Bible. If you’re reading it in the King James Version (KJV), it’s like stepping into a world of old-fashioned yet majestic language.

Different people wrote these poems over a long, long time, and even King David added his touch. Picture it like an ancient mixtape of Hebrew songs expressing everything from happiness and thanks to sadness and asking for help.

They touch on themes like:

  • God’s greatness
  • the struggles of life, and
  • the hope for salvation
Book of psalms

Some poems are like cheers and happy songs, while others are like deep thoughts asking for support. The topics range from how amazing God is to the struggles we face in life, and the hope that things will get better.

Reading these poems in the KJV feels special. It’s like going on a journey back in time, where the words sound fancy and important. The Psalms let you peek into the hearts of people who lived way before us.

People turn to the Psalms when they need comfort, ideas, or encouragement. They’re like timeless pieces of advice that understand what it’s like to be human.

Whether you’re feeling super happy or going through a tough time, there’s probably a Psalm in the KJV that captures exactly what you’re feeling. It’s like finding a friend in an old, wise book.

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