Psalms New International Version


New International Version

The New International Version (NIV) of the Psalms is a contemporary English translation of the Book of Psalms found in the Bible. The NIV is known for its balance between accuracy and readability, making it accessible to a broad range of readers.

The translation was first published in 1978, and since then, it has undergone various revisions to ensure clarity and faithfulness to the original texts.


The Book of Psalms is a collection of poetic and lyrical expressions of worship, praise, lament, and thanksgiving. It is often attributed to King David and other composers, reflecting a diversity of emotions and experiences in relationship with God.

The NIV translation of the Psalms seeks to convey the beauty and depth of the original Hebrew poetry while making the language more understandable to contemporary readers.

In the NIV Psalms, you can expect to find a blend of traditional phrasing and modern language, maintaining the reverence of the original text while striving to connect with the hearts and minds of today’s readers. Each psalm addresses various aspects of human experience and spiritual life, making the NIV Psalms a valuable resource for personal reflection, prayer, and communal worship.

Psalm 24

Obscure origins and profound ownership themes in Psalm 24 raise questions about spiritual connections – what secrets lie within?

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Psalm 23

Cultivate inner peace through the timeless wisdom of Psalm 23, uncovering profound insights that offer solace in life's challenges.

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Psalm 22

Keen to uncover the mysterious connection between Psalm 22 and the Gospels?

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Psalm 25

Navigate the path of trust and guidance in Psalm 25 for profound wisdom and strength in uncertain times – but there's much more to uncover.

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Psalm 21

Lose yourself in the enigmatic depths of Psalm 21, where profound wisdom awaits to be unraveled.

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Psalm 40

Lift yourself out of the pit with the timeless wisdom of Psalm 40, where solace meets profound guidance…

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Psalm 38

Amidst profound anguish and seeking divine solace, Psalm 38 unveils raw emotions that captivate the soul – a journey of vulnerability and unwavering hope.

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Psalm 43

Delve into the profound and timeless words of Psalm 43, discovering a message of hope and faith that will resonate with you deeply.

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Psalm 35

Heralding justice and protection, Psalm 35 weaves a tapestry of ancient wisdom that resonates through time—discover its transformative power.

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